All pure speculation.

C. J. Black.
Writing 101, Day Fourteen Assignment: To Whom It May Concern, pick the nearest book and flip to page 29, what jumps out at you? Start there, and try a twist: write in the form of a letter.

Page 29 opened, first word to catch the eye – speculated.
I speculated with myself what to write about, thinking I might write a constructive piece is probably sheer speculation on my part?
Take the word speculated, must go and check its true meaning.
To gain any advantage in writing a piece worthy of the reader’s time, I guess one must speculate to accumulate.
The dictionary definition of the word speculated is not something to be speculated upon, but must be defined properly.
Those who beg to differ are but speculators.
Could I have ever speculated when opening page 29 of A Voyage round John Mortimer, The authorised biography, by Valerie Grove, that I would get so much mileage from the word speculated?
You are right in your thinking that it was nigh improbable.
But there you are it can be done in winsome fashion I speculate?
I’m rounding off now, you will be glad to know I’ve speculated way too much, but before I go, the dictionary definition of the word speculated, you may wish to know is – you’ve guessed right, not in my dictionary.
Yours, in the art of speculation and scribbling,
C. J. Black©β
19/06/2014 23:16:31

Opened my writing desk, there it was.

C. J. Black.
I never ever dreamed all those years ago
That writing would play a big part in my life –
Then I fortunately FOUND, what’s referred to as my MOJO.
I was, way back then like the proverbial fish out of water –
Wondering, what was going on?
Never thinking in this literally world that I could belong.
Not, that even now would I be that presumptuous-
But believing at all times that everything has its purpose
I locked myself away in this private world, in total wonderment
Hunting through the alphabet following the scent
Finding letters along the way, time could never be considered misspent.
Everything that was laid down could never be perceived as proper ‘writing’
Such as what you are now reading – which is in bad need of thorough editing
But it is written to prove a point, that anything in this world is possible
We all can, with assistance, overcome the most awkward of obstacle
Signing up for this Assignment – Writing 101, for me was ploughing virgin ground
Feeling vindicated in myself that I had undoubtedly FOUND
The ‘artist’ that is within all of us, which some refer to as your MOJO
So roll that dice or if you prefer give it a solid throw
Don’t wait for the IT to happen, it doesn’t happen that way I believe
Sit down put your thoughts on paper, consider the masterpiece you may conceive.
C. J. Black©β
Thursday, 19 June 2014